I’m a medical professional. I’m sort of a people person. It’s kind of funny looking back because I used to be really shy in school. In my career, I became a leader. Accepting that leadership role was a great change for me. That role allowed room for me to open up more. A few of my friends will tell you it was no easy feat getting to know me. I’m still guarded at times, but I love helping people.
After the death of my mother over 10 years ago, is when it hit home that life is short. I didn’t want to live life saying, “I wish I did that.” I decided to discard my doubts and fears by trying new things and going to new places. There are so many beautiful places to see and exciting things to experience.
Outside of my full-time profession of nursing, I’m a great sister, the best auntie ever, a supportive friend, and a loving wife. Since I started my blog, I am now a mother and a best-selling author.
In nursing, I educate and help people get well. I’ve participated in speaking events in schools and created my own community events to educate on heart disease. I created a workshop entitled SMART Girls Academy to empower young girls to take control of their future health and wealth. I’ve also been featured in South Carolina’s Top 20 Under 40 in the year 2019.
With this blog, I want to do the same for you. By actively reading you will learn about self-care, health, travel, and other fun things. I’m just a young lady sharing my knowledge, experiences, and opinions while navigating through life, mistakes included. I’m being my authentic self. Succeeding Naturally.
My hope is that in this capacity you are informed, empowered, and motivated to enrich your life. It could be succeeding in achieving your goals or creating a new experience. Again, Succeeding Naturally!
Don’t hesitate to book me to speak at your next event. Just click the contact tab.
Live, Love, and Travel
Live your best life!!