Do you think there should be an age limit on becoming a mother? From my childhood observation, if a woman gave birth to a child while over the age of 40, that pregnancy was not planned. As a kid, it appeared like women getting pregnant was a simple part of life. It was rare to find a couple who didn’t have a biological child of their own. Plus, it seemed like the goals of life were to finish school, get a good job, and get married. After the wedding, the expectation was for babies to come soon afterward. I figured that was the roadmap to life.

No one shared with me as a kid or young adult about the difficulties of conception. I know I’ve asked a few ladies, “When is the baby coming?” Not out of ignorance, but hopes that the lovely couple would expand their family. Today that question could be considered triggering or insensitive. However, people are becoming more aware that infertility is real and can be difficult to discuss.
As we all know, life doesn’t go as planned. Some women find themselves waiting for the right man or the right time. You’re also constantly checking your biological clock. Next thing you know you’re 40. My girlfriends knew I was surely checking my clock. It’s a feeling like your time and eggs are being wasted. Or the hopelessness of never becoming a mother.
Well, guess what? All hope isn’t lost. Consult a fertility specialist. Technology is on our side towards getting pregnant. There is assisted reproductive technology (ART). In the fertility world, there are options such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), egg freezing, donor eggs, and sperm donors. IVF is common, but expensive. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, it could cost roughly $30,000 out of pocket.
Being Pregnant Today
I never pictured myself being an older mom. However, some famous women make it look fabulous like journalist, author, talk show host, Tamron Hall and former Miss USA, reality TV star, Kenya Moore. They were around 48 years old when they announced their pregnancy. Janet Jackson was pregnant at 50! Twenty years ago, I’d think that was crazy.
I think society is somewhat embracing older first-time moms. Advanced maternal age is the term used for pregnant women over 35. That term isn’t too bad. Years ago the term was called geriatric! A good friend of mine is pregnant for the first time. She shared with me that her medical document had her labeled as “elderly primigravida”. Elderly!! What in the world!! I thought the term elderly was equivalent to senior citizen.

In my younger years, I felt like ladies should wait until marriage to have children. Now that I’m older, my perspective has changed based on the challenges that I faced. You can disagree with me, but my stance is that if you can have babies, go ahead and have them. Whether young adult or old. There’s no perfect time to have a baby. If having kids is your desire, keep trying as long as you aren’t jeopardizing your well-being and can provide a healthy, loving environment for them.

I appreciate you for reading. hope you enjoyed this post. You may also like another article I wrote about Nurse Midwife, Maude Callen. Check it out below.