Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen! We survived 2020 through all of the blessings and lessons! I hope you are looking forward to the new possibilities of what the new year 2021 will bring.
If you know me, you know I have a plan and timeline for everything. For 2021 I don’t! There aren’t any activities lined up. I’m okay with that. I just want to stay in God’s will and let His will be done. Prayerfully I hope to receive the desires of my heart in 2021.
Let me share with you the spiritual lessons 2020 taught me.
1. Community

Do you remember how hand sanitizers and toilet tissues were scarce during the pandemic? Well, it took a community to locate essential items, determine availability, and stay informed of where to purchase. Those who were in the couponing groups (community) were already ready! I got three cousins who were ahead of the game. One lesson here is if you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready. Below is my post on boosting your immune system that you may want to revisit.
I have my family, my tribe of friends, and my church family. That’s one aspect of my community. I consider my blog subscribers and social media friends/followers as a community too. As people, we definitely need each other. We all have something we can learn from each other. My pastor has been preaching on that earlier in the year. God created us to be a community. He didn’t create us to be alone. We certainly had to be the church and not the building itself in 2020.
God also gave us gifts. We need to start using them. For some, these gifts have led to their own businesses or just brightening someone’s day. Just remember no matter how great or small your gift is, someone needs it. Operate in your gift! Speaking of gifts check out my store for gifts that you may want to give to someone.
A man’s gift opens doors for him, and brings him before great men.
Proverbs 18:16
2. Fasting

Through my church, I participated in a 40-day fast last January called the Temple Cleanse. “I can do all things through Christ was my mindset” during the fast. I learned more about prayer, food, and fasting during that season. This was not my typical giving up French fries or rice for Lent. I cut out unnecessary sugars from condiments, etc. At different intervals, certain foods like meat were removed. I also learned that I could survive not watching tv and listening to secular music every day. My quality of sleep improved. My mind felt clear. Plus, I lost weight (8 lbs) unintentionally.
3. Meditation

Initially, I was skeptical about meditation because that just didn’t work for me in the past. I used to meditate but still kept my mind on other things. While fasting, I learned how to meditate. It wasn’t until I read a book my doctor recommended that I became serious about applying meditation in my life.
Reading bible scriptures is obtaining the information, but digesting the scriptures through meditation results in revelation. Let the Word of God marinate within your soul.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalm 1:1-2
Here’s what works for me regarding meditation. I have to create a quiet, calm space. I have my bed neatly made and lay flat on my back in a supine position. Eyes closed. I think of all God’s done for me. Then I recite scriptures, take deep breaths, and tell God what I want or need Him to do.
4. Slow Down

In 2019, I was busy traveling the world, working full-time, part-time, booking trips for clients, writing, etc. In March 2020 I stopped working my part-time nursing and travel agent gigs. I spent more time at home. That allowed me more free time and less stress.
5. Don’t Compromise Your Peace

I’m the type of person who rarely forgets anything. I don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone. I was silent during a couple of incidents and that stayed with me for a while. Well, I held on to those grudges for 4-5 years. However, 2020 made that thing come to a head. (In case you didn’t pick up on the country talk, basically, the grudges peaked to the surface). I had enough of that internal battle. My plan was to arrange a date, time, and location to get it off my chest. That didn’t happen, but an impromptu visit started it all.
I went into my bedroom, laid across my bed, and meditated because I didn’t know what to expect. I knew the anger I had inside could explode and ignite a disaster. Plus, I didn’t want to look like a maniac either. So during the visit, in my NeNe Leakes voice, “I said, what I said.” That burden was lifted immediately! It felt amazing!
What life lessons or spiritual lessons did 2020 teach you?
Did you do anything out of your comfort zone?
I hope this post helps you in some way. Here’s one of our worship services on YouTube. We have Sunday Worship, Sunday School, Wednesday Bible Study, and Thursday Prayer available if you want to drop in. The Temple Cleanse also begins again on January 19th if you want to participate!