Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen! It’s that time again where many of us get ready for a new beginning, new goals, new perspectives, making plans, etc. All of that is good, but we must include self-care. Have you started self-care yet?
I’ll share with you some appointments I need to make. You probably do too. Take care of your temples to ensure you are in good health. Let’s start the new year with some self-care!
10 Pertinent Self-Care Appointments
1. Spiritual Wellness
A self-care must! I’m not saying stay in church from sun up to sun down. For me this is being in fellowship with other believers from time to time, bible study, praying, praising, worshiping, and strengthening my faith. This Sunday is the first Sunday I came to my church since November.

2. Dental
I upgraded my dental insurance to get more coverage for my crown that needs replacing. Additionally, I am overdue for teeth cleaning. Plus I’m expecting great things this year, so I need my smile to be on point.
3. Vision
This is an annual appointment. No hesitation. I’m so glad it isn’t every three months as it was in the past. Meanwhile for the past three years, my exam has been good. Diabetics please get your eye exam. As for everyone else, if it’s an insurance benefit, get it done.

4. Primary Care Physician (PCP)
My insurance covers an annual physical. Prevention is better than treatment in my opinion. Since it is a covered benefit, I’ll pay my co-pay and complete it.

5. Cervical Screening
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Ladies this is your reminder to make your pap smear appointments. Your physician will determine the screening frequency. In the meantime, my PCP says I can get mine every 3-5 years. Again, the insurance is covering it at no extra cost. No co-pay either, so I will be getting mine done every year. I prefer to get mine done by my gynecologist. It’s my belief that had I been seen by a gynecologist, my fibroids would’ve been detected sooner.

6. Financial Advisor
I try to check in with my advisor face to face twice a year. Because of this I’m able to know how my retirement and investment funds are performing and if changes should be made.

7. Review Other Insurances
Part of adulting is buying insurance: home, flood, life, auto, etc. I want to review my current policies because some additions may be needed. Had I went online and reviewed my auto insurance last year, I probably would’ve seen that I was dropped! To this day, I never got a cancellation letter.

8. Hair Appointment
It’s time for a professional that I trust to do my hair. I’ve been doing it myself lately. Read more on that here. It’s been a few months since I had my hair re-twisted anyway.

9. Spa
Who couldn’t use a spa day? A full body massage always releases tension. Cute polish on the nails won’t hurt either.

10. PTO (Paid Time Off) Vacation
I checked my PTO and I will be using it very soon. In conclusion, time for some fun and relaxation away from home.