The ability to vote is a right. Did you know that whether you vote or not is a public record? Well it is. Who you actually vote for is not. I received a “voting report card” in the mail last week. It showed that I voted every two years in the general election. Guess I made the honor roll!
Speaking of honor, will you honor your ancestors who risked their own lives, those who were humiliated, those who were beaten, those who were killed just for the right to vote? Voter suppression is real in this present day. Remember it is a privilege and a right to vote in the US. Exercise your right whether it’s early voting, absentee voting via mail or in person, or showing up at the poll on Election Day today.
This election is just as important as any other. Former First Lady Michelle Obama (my First Lady forever) has been encouraging people to vote for years and she still is. Currently she’s challenging us to create a voting squad that consists of at least five people to remind them to get out and vote.
I’ve done my part. Check my Instagram page by going to the home page. I absentee voted last week, so my vote is counted. My friends and family received texts from me yesterday inquiring about their voting status. Others got their text last week. My hubby voted absentee yesterday. Shout out to my cousin KJ for creating his voting squad and submitting his absentee vote from London. Per news outlets, there’s been almost 250,000 absentee votes casted in South Carolina so far!
No matter where you are located, go vote everyone! Make your vote count! Make your voice heard! Happy Election Day!
Here’s additional resources: