If you are not familiar with the book, The Five Love Languages you are missing out. I didn’t even know there was a real thing called “love languages” until my friend Elaine told me about this book. I recommend it for couples and those seeking to be in a relationship. The author also made love language books for singles and children. Personally, I feel that the earlier you learn about love languages, the better off you’ll be in your relationships. Determine your love language as I share the five love languages with you.
The Five Love Languages
1. Acts of Service
Acts of service show how much you care by doing something for a person. I can say this was and still is my love language. As a child on Mother’s Day, I’d clean my mom’s room and make her bed as a way to show my love. I didn’t have any money to buy anything so I thought it was a nice gesture. As a wife, I absolutely love when my husband does things around the house like putting a bookshelf together or hanging paintings on the wall for me. That type of labor isn’t a strength of mine, so it shows me that he cares.
2. Physical Touch
If you are a touchy-feely person, this may be your love language. Gestures like holding hands, kissing, and hugging play a big part in expressing your love to others.
3. Words of Affirmation
Words of affirmation make things very clear. If this is your love language you like to receive compliments and hear phrases like, “I love you” and “I appreciate what you do for me”. I mean who wouldn’t want to hear those things.
4. Receiving Gifts
If this is your love language, you don’t like to receive any kind of gift, but thoughtful gifts. It’s a delightful feeling knowing someone thought enough about you to get something you’d appreciate. I’m like this.
Although I don’t receive many gifts, I do enjoy giving gifts and mailing greeting cards to others. Years ago I made it a point to honor the “seasoned” women in my family who’ve made an impact on me. I decided to give them their flowers while they are alive. They’ve either received a flower bouquet, gourmet desserts, or scented fragrances from me as a token of my appreciation.
5. Quality Time
If you prefer to be in your spouse’s presence doing things together or just for leisure, then this is your love language. Check out a previous post of mine below, “How to Maintain a Healthy Marriage.” There are several activities related to quality time in the post. Since the pandemic, I think a lot of couples have been spending quality time together. It really helped a lot of folks realize what’s important in their lives. Remember life is short. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Identify Your Love Language
When I took the quiz it was determined that my love language is acts of service. A close second place was words of affirmation. That’s very accurate in my opinion.
Click here to take the quiz. Tell me your love language in the comments. Once you’ve learned your language communicate that with your spouse. Then learn and apply their language in the relationship as well.
Expressing Your Love Language
I saw this chart on social media and it’s a perfect illustration of communicating and expressing love languages.