As of 2020, biking is now a new hobby of mine. On my 2018 vision board, I had a picture of a young Black lady on a bike. My goal was to ride at least once on a Holy Spokes bike in downtown Charleston. Gradually over time, I decided to get my own bike. That’s after joining my husband and his brother on a few rides. Actually, Spring 2020 was going to be the year for me to get a bike. Covid-19 happened and everyone bought up all the bikes.
I searched Amazon, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, to no avail. My husband took me to some local bicycle shops, but they didn’t have much of anything in the store. Plus, it would take several months for a bike to be ordered. Somehow I thought to check Facebook Marketplace. After a few searches, I found what I liked. And I found a bike that met most of my husband’s standards. We drove over an hour to Columbia to pick it up. I was so happy!
Here’s a list of items that I typically take with me.
1. Phone
Always keep your phone with you. You never know if an emergency will present itself. Perhaps you may even need to call 911 for help. With Google Maps you can drop a pin and share your location. Another thing you can do is take pictures! The phone is also good for tracking your miles in your fitness app.
2. Water
If you’re biking several miles it’s important to stay hydrated to prevent dehydration. Dehydration can cause dry mouth, muscle cramps, headaches, etc. I drink water to stay hydrated. My preference is alkaline water to replace minerals that are lost via sweat. However, you can stay hydrated with regular water or even Gatorade.
3. Helmet
Make sure you have your helmet. It protects your brain from injuries should you happen to fall on your own or get hit by a car.
4. Chapstick
I try to keep chapstick with me at all times, but especially while biking. Prevention is key. Keep your lips moisturized. Dry lips irritate me. Plus, who wants to be out with white, ashy lips?
5. Pepper Spray
In the realm of safety, it won’t hurt to keep pepper spray on you. There are some crazy people out there so protect yourself. Thankfully I haven’t run into any rude people. Everyone has been friendly for the most part. They either speak or just focus on staying in their lane.
6. Shades
Shades offer protection from the sun. They also can prevent bugs from flying into your eyes.
7. Facial Tissue
There’s a possibility for allergies to flare being outdoors surrounded by trees, grass, and flowers. If you have seasonal allergies like me, tissues are great to have.
8. Headphones
While riding you may want to listen to some music, so you’ll need your headphones. For those who like to read or are into books, you can listen to an audiobook.
9. Snacks
I recommend having a good meal before you start to bike. Give your body some nutrients first. However, bring something light to chew on in case you start to feel weak. Sometimes I feel hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) after a lot of exercise. My legs will feel shaky. Therefore, I like to pack a protein bar or a snack (not overloaded with sugar) just in case.
10. Cloth
Some country folks may say rag, but it won’t hurt to bring a cloth. If you get a good sweat and I mean dripping in sweat, you’ll need something to dry your face.
Bike riders: Which trails have you been riding?
If you’re looking for other activities to do during the pandemic, check out this post, “15 Family Fun Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic.”